"Thank you for your marketing advice. We found your consulting very beneficial." Lucien Wilson & Xavier BlackmanDibrotech, Inc.
"Thank you very much for your advice." Google, Inc.
"David thanks for all of the great ideas!" John Juretich President of J&J Professional Cleaning
"Your ebook, resources and videos exceeded my expectations. Thanks." Sara T. New York
"Anyone who wants to learn how to start a website business should study Dr. Castle's material. It is full of refreshing and helpful ideas!" Peter M. Michigan
"David, thanks again for all of your help setting up my first website." Colonel Earl Robinson, Jr. PowerBase USA, Inc.
"You are great and glad to have met you." Tracy Armstrong Runner Concierge & Errands, LLC.
"David, you are a top notch entrepreneurial marketer!" Dr. Vince Carter Professor of Marketing at California State University Bakersfield
"David, Thanks for all of your marketing tips, I found them very helpful." Allysa R. Michigan
"I found your videos very helpful at helping me set up my first website." Carrie C. Texas
"I really like the resources in your course, especially the videos because they are so clear and concise. You did a great job breaking down the steps into simple and manageable mini steps in which people can follow and do. Overall, this is a great course and provides awesome guidelines to start your first website business. This course is a necessity for all aspiring entrepreneurs out there who want to make money on the Internet!" Tim Leow Singapore
"I want to compliment you on all your marketing. It's very well done. You've really mastered the Internet. I applaud you." Al The Only President of Magical Presentations, Inc.
"Thanks for the great course. I look forward to using your tips and techniques to start my own website business soon." Sam G. Florida
"Thanks David it was a pleasure to work with you." W. R. VanTielen President of VTE, Inc.
"Your ebook was awesome! You made it so simple for me to learn how to set up a website. I have only been working on my website for about 2 weeks and I am already starting to make money, thanks." John N. Virginia
"Thanks for providing me with so many great resources. This information has helped me a lot!" Matt R. California
"We highly recommend Dr. Castle's marketing services!" Posey Transporters, Inc. Rochester, Michigan
"Dr. Castle is the Best Marketing Professional that I know! If you want to learn how to start a successful website business he is the guy to listen to." Daniel Edelstein
"I just had a chance to glance over your course and it looks great. I really like that video plugin that you use. I'd heard of it but hadn't really put it to use. Keep up the great work!" Brad Jackson PumaSkills.com
"Thanks for all of your help. I can't wait to get a website up and running. I will keep in touch. I'll let you know how this goes for me." Joe O'Hara
"Thank you so much for all of your help promoting my business. You are a great Internet marketer!" Carissa RosarioModel / Host / SingerCarissa-Rosario.com
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The World's #1 Expert on Making Money Online Reveals...
How To Start, Operate and Maintain a Successful Web site Business
that Earns Six Figures a Year!
"David, you are a top notch entrepreneurial marketer!" Dr. Vince Carter, Ph.D. Professor of MarketingCalifornia State University Bakersfield |
Provide your name and e-mail address to receive a free presentation on how to start, operate and maintain a successful web site business
From: Dr. David J. Castle, Ph.D.
September 23, 2011
Dear Friend,
Do you want to start a successful Web site business but don't know how?
Don't feel bad. I felt the same way several years ago.
In fact, it took me several months of studying the material of experts and conducting many tests to finally figure out the process to creating a successful Web site business.
My first Web site business was LearnMagicTricks.org. I started this Web site in 2006 and today it is the hottest magic trick Web site in the world! In 2008, I was offered approximately $100,000 to purchase this Web site. This is just one of my successful Web sites that I created using my proven strategies.
Below is a screen shot from my Google Adsense account of the earnings I made in one month from my LearnMagicTricks.org Web site.

Not only does LearnMagicTricks.org earn me money each month but so do my other Web sites. Some of my other Web sites include: ilovescrapbooking.org, learn-card-tricks.org, freepokervideos.org and earn6figuresonline.com. All of these Web sites earn me money each and every month. Once you understand the secret formula to creating successful Web sites and have the resources to help you accomplish this task you can easily earn six figures or more each year!
Pictured Above: Dr. Castle making money running his Web site businesses from his home office.
 "Thank you so much for all of your help promoting my business. You are a great Internet marketer!" Carissa Rosario Model / Host / Singer www.carissa-rosario.com |
Provide your name and e-mail address to receive a free presentation on how to start, operate and maintain a successful web site business
This Brand New Course Reveals:
* The 10 steps you must know when starting a Web site business
* How to select the best theme/topic for your Web site business
* Helpful tips when registering a domain name
* How to get a quality web host and you will find out the one that I use and love
* How to properly forward your domain name to your web host so that people can see your Web site
* How to create your Web site (A software program is revealed that is so easy to use and can make Web site design a piece of cake)
* Where to get valuable content for your visitors to enjoy
* How to properly optimize your Web site for the search engines
* Several great methods for getting traffic to your Web site
* Five popular ways to make money with your Web site
* The regular maintenance you should do to keep your Web site business running smoothly
* Information on selecting the appropriate legal structure for your Web site business
* Many resources that you will need to start a successful Web site business
* And Much More
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 "David thanks for all of the Great Ideas!" John Juretich J&J Professional Cleaning www.jjpcleaning.com |
Provide your name and e-mail address to receive a free presentation on how to start, operate and maintain a successful web site business
Reasons Why You Should Become An Internet Entrepreneur:
* You get to be the boss and control your own schedule
* You have the opportunity to work out of your house and save money on gas
* Your earning potential is unlimited
* You can make money on auto pilot
* You will have more free time to do the things you want to
* You can make a lot of money when you decide to sell your Web site
* You will have fun running your business
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 "I want to compliment you on all your marketing. It's very well done. You've really mastered the Internet. I applaud you." Al The Only Magical Presentations, Inc. www.altheonly.com |
The information that is discussed in my course is based on my years of experience as an entrepreneur actually starting and operating successful Web site businesses. Therefore, the information that I present to you is based on results not theory. You will get results by using my information.
 "I really like the resources in your course, especially the videos because they are so clear and concise. You did a great job breaking down the steps into simple and manageable mini steps in which people can follow and do. Overall, this is a great course and provides awesome guidelines to start your first website business. This course is a necessity for all aspiring entrepreneurs out there who want to make money on the Internet!" Timothy Leow
Start Your Successful Web site Business Today!
You can learn exactly how to start, operate and maintain a successful Web site business simply by clicking the link below and ordering this course. The course is $9.95 and after you have purchased it you will gain immediate access to all of the materials, which include:
* How to Start, Operate and Maintain a Successful Web site Business Ebook (PDF File) by Dr. David J. Castle ($15 Value)
* Additional Resources (PDF File) full of great resources to help you be successful as an online entrepreneur! ($10 Value)
* 8 Video Tutorials by Dr. David J. Castle that will help you get your Web site business up and making money! ($40 Value)
* The Official Earn 6 Figures Online Presentation by Dr. David J. Castle (Microsoft Powerpoint File) ($10 Value)
* How to make 5 figures a month with Adsense by Michael Cheney (PDF File) ($10 Value)
* Fool Proof SEO Elite Success Blueprint by Brad Callen (PDF File) ($97 Value)
* How I Earn Six Figures a Year Working Online (Powerpoint Presentation) by Dr. David J. Castle (Released April 2010) ($20 Value)
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Wishing you success,

Dr. David J. Castle, Ph.D.
Expert on Making Money Online
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 "I just had a chance to glance over your course and it looks great. I really like that video plugin that you use. I'd heard of it but hadn't really put it to use. Keep up the great work!" Brad Jackson PUMA Skills www.pumaskills.com |
Provide your name and e-mail address to receive a free presentation on how to start, operate and maintain a successful web site business
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